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Super Tuesday and Bloomberg

Writer: ThatPoliticalKidThatPoliticalKid

Now we can exhale a little bit! There is a lot to cover, but let's first dive into the results...

Alabama... Joe Biden

Arkansas... Joe Biden

California... Bernie Sanders

Colorado... Bernie Sanders

Maine... not decided

Massachusetts... Joe Biden

Minnesota... Joe Biden

North Carolina... Joe Biden

Oklahoma... Joe Biden

Tennessee... Joe Biden

Texas... Joe Biden

Utah... Bernie Sanders

Vermont... Bernie Sanders

Virginia... Joe Biden

*American Samoa... Mike Bloomberg

So what about Warren and Bloomberg? Bloomberg has officially ended his campaign after a disappointing night, and Warren is still in it despite having 0 victories.

Bloomberg had spent over $670 million on his campaign, which included a lot of the states listed above. His strategy was to campaign hard in states like Texas, Virginia, and Tennessee, or states that he saw as more or less "moderate." However, he ended up only having 9% of the Virginia vote and had 15% of the Texas vote as examples. In a statement to his supporters, Bloomberg announced he would be supporting Joe Biden, someone he referred to as "the candidate with the best shot" at "defeating" Trump.

And Biden? Lots of reasons to feel confident. First, he received support from Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and now Bloomberg, which could help him gain the vote from so called "moderate Democrats." Biden also won the popular vote in 9 of the 14 Super Tuesday states, which will give him several delegates. Last night, Biden addressed his supporters and encouraged them to never give up and referred to his campaign as a "comeback."

One another note, Gabbard is still technically in the race, but she only has a single delegate. Warren has 50 delegates, and is in third place.

Thank you for reading!



The Associated Press (google super tuesday results)


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